Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

BDB (Back Dormitory Boys)

ngahhahahha...2 chinese who lost their brain :p...lotsa lipsync videos they had made,but this is my favourite.comparing with the original one,there is similarity between them.they'll make you cry.what for?u better check it,and also u should googling the original video :p

Vada's poem,special for Thomas J

Weeping willow with your tears running down, why do you always weep and frown?
Is it because he left you one day?
is it because he could not stay?
On your branches he would swing, do you long for the happiness that day would bring?
he found shelter in your shade. You thought his laughter would never fade.
Weeping willow, stop your tears.
There is something to calm you fears.
You think death has ripped you forever apart.
But I know he'll always be in your heart.

this poem taken from drama movie titled "my girl".this film was so touching for me..story about a girl whose mom is in heaven,granma is screw loose,having an undertaker dad,and bullied by her classmates cuz she makes friend with a geeky boy named thomas J.i cant resist my teardrop falls..that poems brings my faith back..i know,while ur most important things started to leave u,this isnt over yet.uve got ur heart.
good to watch,prepare a bundle of tissues.. still scrying :(

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

definition of success

sukses itu apa?
"sukses itu kalo karir dan kehidupan pribadimu berjalan lancar dan membuat kamu bahagia".itu kata temenku
"gue sukses kalo gue bisa belanja di PI seminggu sekali" kata temanku yang satunya
"sukses itu relatif,kayak kecantikan"singkat,pendek,jelas,tapi bingung.
Makin lama sukses diukur dari kekuasaan,kepopuleran,dan kekayaan.Well,memang sepertinya hidup dengan 3 hal itu menyenangkan,tapi aku yakin kalo kamu dapet 1 hal,yang mungkin defnisi sukses kamu,kamu bakal kehilangan 1 hal yang sebelumnya kamu anggap sepele,tapi ternyata sangat penting buat kamu.
bagaimana mengukur definisi sukses,yang ujung2nya pasti tujuan kita,masi bikin aku bingung.manusiawi laa,kalo semua orang pengen yang terbaik buat dirinya.Tapi bagaimana memilihnya,awareness dan wisdom banyak menentukan disini.berusaha bijak dan care..
oh ya, 1 lagi..dekat dengan Tuhan :)

"Musuh dari yang terbaik bukan hal-hal buruk, melainkan hal-hal yang baik. Musuh dari yang terpenting bukan hal-hal sepele, melainkan hal-hal yang penting.

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

well done,darla!!

amin..finally..i've finished my college project and thesis stuff..but im still waiting my final score..huaa..hope it can make me satisfied :p
life a'la chacha :
1.wake up 5am,pray to god,then skygazing
2. eat for your brain,with coffee as a compliment
3. surf into websites
4.see good film
5.listen to good music
6.cry when u want to cry
7.last,but my role key to happiness:doing photography
oh no my friends,i'll leave you all sorry if our time is so short..
"fate will bring us together,dont be sad..get ur life..see ya babe.."